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Milemarker + Framestar

So., 29.06.2008 - AZ Conni
off Kramsky | post 08 May 2008, 08:49 | Themenlink
Milemarker + Framestar
AZ Conni
am Sonntag den 29.06.2008
Milemarker (us)

MILEMARKER, one of the most innovative and creative bands of the 90s are coming back to europe for a short, intense tour trip around the Fusion festival. Milemarker was formed in 1997 from the ashes of various southeastern hardcore bands. The names of these bands are not as important (you either remember them or you don't, and chances are you don't) as was the shared point of view fostered in founding members Dave Laney, Ben Davis, and Al Burian: fierce commitment to the self-reliance and community ethic of the hardcore punk scene, combined with confrontational musical challenges to the conventions and limitations of that same genre. Keyboards, samplers, video projection, pyrotechnics, French- anything which might shock the audiences' sensibility and preconceived expectation was used. Milemarker put out five albums in the first four years of their existence; the sound of the band solidified from esoteric artyness into driving electro-punk, focused on the tension between melodic danceability and the primal power of screaming and breaking guitars over each others' heads. The band toured constantly, managing to pull off six US tours, four European tours and a trip to Japan by the end of 2002. The touring line up had been amorphous from the beginning, with drummer Sean Husick filling in for Ben as early as the second US tour, Roby Newton joining and quitting at various points, and a slew of other people pitching in or tagging along... The actual line-up right now consists of Dave Laney, Al Burian, Noah Leger, Ben Davis and John Bowman and unconstrained by genre limitation, interpersonal hang-ups, or belief in this illusory plane of existence, Milemarker is finally and truly free...


Framestar (dd)

Die Dresdner local heroes FRAMESTAR haben endlich neue Aufnahmen fertig und die damit gefüllt neue Platte hoffentlich schon im Gepäck - bekanntermassen Emorock/Screamo mit Metalkante vom feinsten: “Ein rockender Bulldozer aus Screamocore und krachigem ‚Finger in the Air’ Punkrock schlägt sich eine breite Schneise im Unterholz moderner Hardcoremusic. Refused trifft auf AC/DC. At The Drive-In kollidiert mit Nine. Framestar hinterlässt eine Brache, in der hymnische Hooklines in Endlosschleifen über verschwitztem Boden zu vibrieren scheinen... there are some good things inside of hell. Death to false Rock!!!!”

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Eintritt: 6.00 €
Beginn: 21:00 Uhr
Location: AZ Conni www.azconni.de
Adresse: Rudolf-Leonhard-Straße 39, 01097 Dresden
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