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Wasted French German Beer Kiss 2.0 MY AS

Fr., 24.06.2011 - Sputnik 2.0
off PopArtCircus | post 06 Jun 2011, 19:26 | Themenlink
Wasted French German Beer Kiss 2.0 MY AS
Sputnik 2.0
am Freitag den 24.06.2011

indie dance & electro rave club event

beer opener and summerclosing powered by WASTED GERMAN YOUTH

Freitag 24.06.2011 - 22 Uhr - SPUTNIK 2.0

Viel muss man ueber das Berliner underground Label WASTED GERMAN YOUTH nicht mehr sagen...
So ist es mit seinen WASTED, LOVE, FUCK, GURKE und vielen weiteren Stickern, unverkennbaren Schriftzuegen und dem Klassiker "THE KIDS WANT TECHNO" eines der bekanntesten und meist kopierten grafischen Stile der weltweiten elektronischen Musikszene.

Schoepfer Paul Snowden kann uns zu dessen Entstehung eine epische sowie zeitgleich triviale Geschichte zur Entstehung erzaehlen: "i was sitting some sunday morning, in the garden at tresor, it was love parade, it was hot and the buzz was very good and all around, me, everyone, so super wang. i turned to my friend and said "these kids, all so fucked up. all of them, so off their fuckin faces. just wasted german youth. its just wasted german youth."

Seine Virtuositaet kann er unter anderem mit Referenzen wie der Optik von Boys Noize und seinem Label, dem Berlin Festival, diversen NIKE Arbeiten sowie der Berlinale unter Beweis stellen. Jetzt laesst er den neusten Genie-Streich auf unsere Geschmacksnerven und Gehirnzellen los.

Die einzige logische Folge aus dem WASTED GERMAN YOUTH Lifestyle ist... Klar: BEER! Brandneu, Bio, Lecker und noch schwer zu bekommen! Wir haben erstmals, exklusiv und ab sofort zu jeder FRENCH KISS das WASTED GERMAN BEER von und mit WASTED GERMAN YOUTH.

Natuerlich laesst sich das die Crew rund um das Berliner Fashion- und werdendem Bier-Imperium diese Premiere im Osten nicht entgehen. So freuen wir uns als Gast DJ den Mit-Organisator und Resident der Berliner WASTED GERMAN YOUTH und "RAVE TUT GUT" Partys Ryan Nyquist und seinen Kollegen vom Daenischen Ableger, DANISH WASTED YOUTH, NORM D. hinter den Turntables praesentieren zu koennen!

Eingerahmt wird dieses große Ereignis natuerlich durch die Initiatoren der Party, dem POP ART CIRCUS, vertreten durch den 2 fachen "RAVE TUT GUT"-Contest Gewinner Ronald KOON, den neuen Pop Art Circus Durchstarter Controllized, der mit seinem Jackin Electro kein Bein ruhig in der Ecke stehen lässt und als bombiges finale setzt dann noch die Elektromafia eins drauf! Laut, derb und zercutted!!
Optisch wird das Ganze mit einem live visual Feuerwerk von NIGHTCAPTURE untermalt.

Ganz nebenbei feiern wir die letzte Party vor der Sommerpause und Ronald KOONs "aelterwerdung".
Damit dies mit genuegend Wastedness zur Sache geht gib es fuer die ersten 50 Ravers ein WASTED GERMAN BEER for free!
Also: Kommen! Raven! Austrinken!

love, peace, techno and beer! prost!

+++ on decks:

Ryan Nyquist (WASTED GERMAN YOUTH / Berlin)

Ronald KOON (Pop Art Circus / Dresden)
Elektromafia (Pop Art Circus / Dresden)
Controllized (Pop Art Circus / Dresden)

+++ visuals:

Live RGBeats by NIGHTCAPTURE.net

+++ specials:

free GERMAN WASTED BEER for the first 50 guests!
sticker insanty, much more wasted action

+++ entry:

normal 6,- Euro
students 5,- Euro
online guestlist 4,- Euro until 11pm/23Uhr on "guestlist" at www.frenchkiss-party.de.

+++ door policy


+++ location

UNTER BAHNHOF NEUSTADT (Eingang Treppe links neben linkem Haupteingang Bahnhof)
Schlesischer Platz 1
01097 Dresden

oePVN: S1 | S2 Tram 3 | 6 | 11 Haltestelle Bahnhof Neustadt

Ab 19 Uhr ausreichend kostenfreie Parkplaetze direkt am Bahnhof
Taxistand 24h vor Ort




wasted german youth pays respect to the german language and some german music, parallelly paying
tribute to hardcore punk and electronic. it embraces the beauty and the insanity of rave culture
and acknowledges what berlin does best.

despite wasted german youth being basically just graphic design on a tshirt, maybe fashion and or
even possibly art, it yet again proves itself not to be a passing trend, but a concept to acknowledge,
and a lifestyle to live, and that proudly and true.

“i was sitting some sunday morning, in the garden at tresor, it was love parade,it was hot and
the buzz was very good and all around, me, everyone, so super wang. i turned to my friend and
said… these kids, all so fucked up. all of them, so off their fuckin faces.
just wasted german youth. its just… wasted german youth”

that was 1999. 6 years later the time was right for a logo and some stickers, the first tshirts
were printed up and crazily enough history was written. so with a couple of ideas and a zero
euro marketing budget, WASTED GERMAN YOUTH exploded in true underground style.
today, the tshirts and stickers are to be seen on the streets and discos and everywhere,
and the internet has become a showdown of dodgy fakes and wasted bootlegs.

after online sales and selected stores, opening a WASTED GERMAN YOUTH store was the next logical step.
it serves as retail area, presentation and gallery space, office and studio and generally somewhere
to hang out. “the Shop is the window to the world for me the artist, the brand and the business.”
the WASTED GERMAN YOUTH flagship store ‘SHOP’ opened april 2010 in berlin.

if you are interested in knowing more about wasted german youth, or are interested in working
with or for the label, dont hesitate in getting in touch,

paul snowden


+++ pop art circus info

Community, crew of artist, friends.
Their dedication and commitment for indie electronic dance music brought a lot of amazing raves to saxony and mostly Dresden.
Rocking, innovative events and amazing rocking gigs with big names of the scene like D.I.M. (Turbo / Boys Noize), les petits pilous (Boys Noize), Acidkids (Television Rocks), Maral Salmassi (Freakz Me Out), Stereofunk (Moonbootique / Freakz Me Out), MMMatthias (KIEZ BEATS), Mike Okay (What! What!) made POP ART CIRCUS the local Name for indie dance, electro, french cut up and more fresh sounds of E.D.M.
So be cool, rock the party and enjoy the total wastedness afterwards.



Hey folks, we are Nightcapture – a young and motivated network of vjs, photographers and designers, coming from Dresden, Berlin and St. Petersburg. Since 2006 we are giving parties the colorful extra of visual performances, to make it more than barn dance. The past four years we have been worked with a couple of great international acts like Chris Liebing, Apparat, D.I.M. or Polarkreis 18.
Starting with visual performances on screens, we now also experience full concepts of artificial club decoration, video-performances and art- installations. We have performed with more than 100 various artists to give music a visual emotion. Turn off your TV – come to the club.


eXma verlost 4x2 Freikarten für dieses Event, einfach eine E-mail mit Betreff "Wasted French German Beer Kiss 2.0" und als Inhalt euren bürgerlichen Namen an freikarten@exmatrikulationsamt.de schicken und mit etwas Glück gewinnen! Gewinner werden einen Tag vor der Veranstaltung per E-mail benachrichtigt.
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Eintritt: 5.00 €
Beginn: 22:00 Uhr
Location: Sputnik 2.0 www.neustadtsputnik.de
Adresse: Schlesischer Platz 1, 01097 Dresden
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