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Dub Phizix - DnB from Manchester (UK)

Sa., 09.06.2012 - Sabotage
off vinylbuddha | post 15 Apr 2012, 15:57 | Themenlink
Dub Phizix - DnB from Manchester (UK)
am Samstag den 09.06.2012
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DUB PHIZIX (Soul:r, Exit Records // Manchester, UK)

Maxwell (Vinylbuddha)
Herr Kallenbach (Green Planet inc.)
Aksi0m (Green Planet inc.)

LIMITIERTER VVK (9 €) ab Mai @ Fat Fenders Recordstore, Böhmische Straße 14, 01099 Dresden

Der aus Manchester stammende Dub Phizix macht Musik seit über 20 Jahren. In seiner Jugend klimperte er auf der Gitarre und wühlte sich durch die 7"-Plattenkiste seines Vaters. Doch mit dem Mixen und Producen von Drum & Bass hatte er das gefunden, was ihn bis heute zu einem festen Teil der Szene macht. Seine Releases auf Labels wie dBridge's Exit Records, Soul:r, Ingredients, Critical und Dispatch sprechen für sich. Mit dem düsteren, drumlastigen Sound von Tracks wie "Out There" kreierte er eine neue Sparte im gealterten D&B-Genre. Seine Zusammenarbeit mit zahlreichen MC´s wie DRS, Strategy & Fox zeichnen ihn ebenso aus. Und es steht wohl außer Frage, dass sein Track "Marka" in Kooperation mit Skeptical & MC Strategy für volle Dancefloors rund um den Globus gesorgt hat. Neben allen darken Produktionen verliert Dub Phizix in seinen Sets trotzdem nicht den Blick für die frohen Seiten des Drum & Bass. Und wem all das nicht genügt, hier noch etwas ganz persönlich von ihm selbst:

Dub Phizix is not Welsh, is not into trance, does not own anything made by Reebok, has never been to Magaluf, does not use the word "chillax", has never owned a glow-stick, thinks marzipan is overrated, has no desire to go backpacking, has never "blogged", is rarely early, does not support the England football team, is not a summer person, does not get excited about wildlife documentaries, does not enjoy Thai food, did not buy in to the X-men hype, does not own any hiking clothes, thinks modern furniture is rarely comfortable, has never owned a gerbil, does not live near the sea, has never been skiing, does not drink wine, does not partake in outdoor activities, has never used the word class as a synonym or as an alternative to the word "good", does not wear boat shoes or moccasins, does not mind "lol" but thinks "rotflmao" is just ridiculous, is not a fan of rugby, does not like mushrooms, did not laugh when he watched The Mighty Boosh, does not eat cashew nuts, does not and will never own a Samsung phone, does not wear sunglasses indoors, does not waste time making stupid lists, is not embarrassed about enjoying "wind of change" by The Scorpions, has never eaten sushi, does not have a double barrel surname, would not select chocolate as his first choice of milkshake flavour, does not want to hear about or see pictures of your baby nor does he want to attempt to speak to it on the phone, is not a cat person, does not think your overly bassy car stereo sounds good, has always considered the word "tummy" to be for sissies, is not a person you should leave around your crisps, does not go out in fancy dress, does not know anyone who drives a smart car, does not like coconut, does not use the word random in a blasé fashion, does not use the word blasé, does not contradict himself, does not accept unsolicited phone calls, does not recycle, does not feel guilty about the fact that he does not recycle, will never own a man bag, does not use sun beds, does not moan about trivial things and is widely considered a jovial and agreeable character
See you there! ;)

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Eintritt: 9.00 €
Beginn: 22:00 Uhr
Location: Sabotage sabotage-dresden.de
Adresse: Bautzner Strasse 75, 01099 Dresden
Antworten(1 - 1)
vinylbuddha off post 23 May 2012, 08:50 | Antwort#2
VORVERKAUF AB SOFORT (oder seit gestern schon;)) IM

FAT FENDERS - Böhmische Str. 14, 01099 Dresden

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