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Mamy Rock World Tour @ Kraftwerk Mitte

Sa., 16.02.2013 - Kraftwerk Mitte
off E+E | post 16 Jan 2013, 13:20 | Themenlink
Mamy Rock World Tour @ Kraftwerk Mitte
Kraftwerk Mitte
am Samstag den 16.02.2013
MAMY ROCK (www. mamyrock.com)
TOBIAS SCHULZ (KWM Resident / Ministry of Sound)

*Atemberaubende Wasseranimation, Feuer- und Lasershow
* VVK unter www.tixforgigs.com

Die Sensation ist Perfekt!
Mamy Rock World Tour 2012 live im Kraftwerk Mitte !!!
Ruth Flowers aka Mamy Rock gehört zu den 25 skurrilsten Menschen auf der Welt!
Sie ist crazy, cool und die älteste DJane der Welt!
Sie rockt die besten Clubs auf der ganzen Welt!
Von Miami, St.Tropez bis Hong Kong.
Es gibt nur ein paar Termine in Deutschland und wir haben einen davon für Euch!
Euch erwartet großes Kino am Samstag, den 16.02.2013.

Hier die ersten Ausschnitte aus der neuen Doku Soap von der DJ Oma http://youtu.be/2MLZqX8QbkA

Ihre Homepage: http://www.mamyrock.com/

JOIN MAMY ROCK ON FACEBOOK : http://www.facebook.com/djmamyrock

Ruth Flowers, is the matriarch and the hippest English deejay of our time.
At 69 years old, the woman known as MAMY ROCK is the latest sensation of the European club scene.
Following a high‐profile stint as resident DJ at the very private Villa Murano during the 2009 Cannes Film Festival in front of stars including Lenny Kravitz and Mariah Carey and an exceptional set in January 2010 at the legendary Queen club on the Champs Elysées Paris, Ruth Flowers is definitely in the midst of an unexpected international success story at the age of 69.
In 2012, MAMY ROCK is coming back with her new ultra punch Electro-Dance Track " 69 ". Recorded last summer in Los Angeles Featuring RIZ (who collaborated with Pitbull, Britney Spears, Will I am…). AN AMAZING CLUB HIT !
With more than 80 dates in less than 2 years in the biggest clubs & festivals in the world, (Paris, Ibiza, Los-Angeles, New-York, Tokyo, Glastonburry, Cannes Festival, Puerto-Rico, Italia, Spain, Germany...), MAMY ROCK has became an unexpected Club Culture phenomenon.
For 2012, The highlight will be: On April, Australia tour with 5 dates. On May to celebrate the europeen year theme at Bruxelles for the EUROPEAN PARLEMENT (event retransmitted on live in all Europe). A huge Beach Party to celebrate the begining of the summer at Lima in Peru. USA & Canada Tour in preparation for end of May - begining of June (NYC, Chicago, Los-Angeles, Dallas) & many more to come…
A TV Reality Show of her world tour and a film inspired by her life are in developpement !
After the launch of her first single « Still Rocking » in July 2010 and a successful Summer Tour through Europe's best Clubs and Festivals (including Glastonbury), the fabulous Mamy Rock will finally rock the USA. «The hippest Deejane in circulation», according to Vanity Fair, has given her US debut at the « I love electro » Festival on Nov. 5th in Los Angeles California and in New York City for a big Charity event.
But… How this adventure in life started… ?
« Everything began the night, when my grandson, whom I'm very close to, celebrated his birthday at a disco in London. He invited me to join him and his friends. When I arrived the doormen wouldn't allow me inside. Its true, I didn't look like their usual customer (laughs)... I did get in eventually... only to be dumbfounded...there was such an electric atmosphere! It was so different from the dances & the bands I used to go to when I was younger. There was a real osmosis between the music and the lights, it energized me!...made me feel so much younger! That night shattered my view of things, especially the way I saw my life...I had a lot of free time...I discussed my idea with my grandson, he thought I'd gone mad. Sometime after our talk, an acquaintance put me in touch with a young French producer, Aurelien Simon. I told him my idea and he took on the challenge. I wasn't sure about it working but was prepared to give it a go, Aurelien was convinced and he took me with him. Since then I have made many trips around Europe, met quite a number of D.J.s. Aurelien introduced me to electro and house music. I went to clubs and been practicing a lot with the new machines. It was really fun!! Now I know I can make everybody move their ass on the dance floor (laughs)…»
The European Press has declared the 69 Year old Deejane from Bristol a role model, but also as a fashion and glamour icon. Adidas Originals along with the famous Marangoni Fashion Institute invited the coolest Granny on the planet to rock their 75th anniversary party in Milan. Previously, she entertained elite guests including Johnny Depp andVanessa Paradis at the Karl Lagerfeld Chanel Party in the VIP Room at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival.
Whoever said you have to mellow with age? Certainly not Mamy Rock, who gives retirement a big kick in the pants ! She is an unusual and charismatic woman who with great serenity presents her unique and dynamic personality. Nice and eccentric, strong and full of energy, she likes to have fun and share the good times with all around her.
Everyone loves Ruth Flowers: the trendiest clubs on the planet, all have their sights on this DJ with a difference, who inspires the young while encouraging respect of senior citizens. On Youtube her videos have reached more than 4 Million visitors and the French TV Canal said that « she mixes like the Queen of the Night! ».
More than mere DJ sets, Ruth Flower's mixes are fabulous shows bringing together the latest electro-hits that all the club‐kids love as well as the old school classics she adores. Ruth Flowers is a unique opportunity to meet an Artist who spins stereotypes about old people, but also the DJ world on their head.
« …Indeed, I'd rather sign a contract with a record company than sign up to a nursing home! » Ruth Flowers – London

Alle Veranstaltungen im Kraftwerk-Mitte sind P18 Veranstaltungen. Des Weiteren gilt die "Club Rotation Card" – mit ihr erhalten Gäste des Club-Verbundes Arteum, Kraftwerk Mitte, Pier15, Purobeach und Eventwerk bevorzugten Eintritt und wechselnde Specials in den teilnehmenden Locations.

Reservierungen in der Friends-Area:
Separater Bereich, Service, eigene Bar, Garderobe & Parkplatz

Per Telefon: 0351 215277-999
Per E-Mail: info@kraftwerk-club.de

KRAFTWERK MITTE | Wettiner Platz 7 | 01067 Dresden | www.kraftwerk-club.de

Anfahrt mit dem PKW:
Könneritzstraße (B173), Richtung Bahnhof Mitte, abbiegen in die Schweriner Straße,
Schweriner Str./ Ecke Wettiner Platz

Mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel erreichen Sie uns:
S-Bahn/Zug: Haltepunkt Bahnhof-Mitte
DVB-Straßenbahnlinien 1, 2, 6, 10
DVB-Buslinien 75, 94 | Haltestelle Bahnhof Mitte

eXma verlost 2x2 Freikarten für dieses Event, einfach eine E-mail mit Betreff "Mamy Rock World Tour" und als Inhalt euren bürgerlichen Namen an freikarten@exmatrikulationsamt.de schicken und mit etwas Glück gewinnen! Gewinner werden einen Tag vor der Veranstaltung per E-mail benachrichtigt.
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angehängtes Bild
Eintritt: 10.00 €
Beginn: 22:00 Uhr
Location: Kraftwerk Mitte www.kraftwerk-club.de
Adresse: Wettiner Platz 7, 01067 Dresden
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