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Arliss Nancy + Eamon McGrath

Do., 20.10.2016 - Ostpol
off Stalker | post 04 Jun 2014, 16:42 | Themenlink
Arliss Nancy + Eamon McGrath
am Donnerstag den 20.10.2016

Bevor die nicht abklingenden Jubelrufe ihres mit Freuden in die Arme genommenen Zweitwerks „Simple Machines" (VÖ: Nov. 2012 via Gunner Rec.) überhaupt ansatzweise verstummen konnten, schieben die aus Fort Collins, Colorado stammenden Folk-Punk-Rocker ARLISS NANCY bereits weniger als 12 Monate später hinterrücks ihr Drittwerk „Wild American Runners" auf den Plattenteller hinterher. Ein musikalisch facettenreiches wie songschreiberisch eindrucksvolles Statement. Ring frei für eines der gefühlvollsten Rock'n'Roll-Alben des Jahres 2013, welches am 04.10.2013 über Gunner Records erscheint.


At 23, Eamon McGrath has a list of accomplishments under his belt that would echo that of a writer twice his age: 250+ songs written and recorded, album of the year credits, multiple tours through the UK, Canada and Europe, and stints playing in the backing bands for both the legendary Daniel Johnston and Julie Doiron.

McGrath's style is constantly changing and his shows range from sweaty, bombastic, punk and noisy garage-rock inspired barnburners, to quiet, intimate country best fit for a Western saloon. In the span of a single concert, and sometimes in the span of a song, heart-wrenching confessional lyrics pave the highway towards string-shredding guitar solos and an adolescent howl like no other.

Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Location: Ostpol ost-pol.de
Adresse: Königsbrücker 47, 01099 Dresden
Antworten(1 - 1)
Stalker off post 15 Oct 2014, 16:07 | Antwort#2
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