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18 Jahre Lazy Boys - Endlich Volljährig!

Sa., 23.05.2015 - Saloppe Sommerwirtschaft
off waterloo | post 14 Apr 2015, 11:31 | Themenlink
18 Jahre Lazy Boys - Endlich Volljährig!
Saloppe Sommerwirtschaft
am Samstag den 23.05.2015
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The Lazy Boys’ music is best described as a blend of Rock ’n’ Roll and Country, with a hint of dirty Blues. For more than ten years they have successfully toured through clubs in Germany, England and even the USA, amassing over 600 shows, as well as recording three studio albums. The Latest Album "Shadows" was released on PART Records in spring 2010. Their repertoire covers a wide range of originals, as well as cover versions of familiar, and not so familiar, songs of the 50’s and 60’s, performed in their own unique style. The bandmembers also play and played in various other bands in Dresden and made themselves quiet a name in germanys rockin´scene.Don’t miss this opportunity to invite the Lazy Boys to park their rockin’ bandwagon in your town!
The Lazy Boys played all over Europe and the USA and have been part of festivals as "Screaming Festival Spain", "Walldorf Weekender", "International Country Festival Sand in Taufers" , CMM Nürnberg & Berlin and many more.

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Rechtsweg ausgeschlossen, Mitarbeiter des Veranstalters und des Studentenforum Dresden e.V. dürfen nicht teilnehmen.
Eintritt: 8.00 €
Beginn: 21:00 Uhr
Location: Saloppe Sommerwirtschaft www.saloppe.de
Adresse: Brockhausstraße 1, 01099 Dresden
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