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Nervous + YON

Mo., 27.07.2015 - Chemiefabrik
off Kramsky | post 20 Jul 2015, 16:26 | Themenlink
Nervous + YON
am Montag den 27.07.2015
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Golden Gloom Sessions. presents:

// NERVOUS - Oakland, CA - Twelve Gauge Records

From Oakland, California, Nervous consists of frontman Jake Spek (Loma Prieta, Lewd Acts) and drummer Jacob Harris (Big Kids, Acid Fast). Best friends and co-pilots of Oakland DIY venue The Hive, Spek and Harris have announced Nervous to be their new priority. This is no side project, it's a real band with its own sound.

There's something of a Nirvana vibe with Nervous - or, more accurately, the band is inspired by many of the same bands Kurt Cobain espoused: Wipers, Pixies, The Jesus Lizard. Spek and Harris take these inspirations and twist them into anxiety-ridden California punk anthems. Spek's unhinged vocals are an absolute standout, something like David Yow in a really fired-up mood. His lyrics address true everyday struggles of the broke, lazy, and intelligent, and honesty seeps through his every word. When Spek sings about being depressed, it's not depressing - on the contrary, he pulls you right in and makes you want to shout along, and you're left applauding him for having the courage to be so real.


// YON
- Dresden



VB: 5 €
AK: 7 €
Eintritt: 5.00 €
Beginn: 19:00 Uhr
Location: Chemiefabrik www.chemiefabrik.info
Adresse: Petrikirchstraße 5, 01097 Dresden
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