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Shock Therapy w/ Mimaniac Live!

Sa., 25.06.2016 - TBA Club
off DJDJfeatMCMC | post 02 Jun 2016, 16:59 | Themenlink
Shock Therapy w/ Mimaniac Live!
TBA Club
am Samstag den 25.06.2016
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TBA Club & Tekknikal Nonsense Booking präsentieren:


☢ MIMANIAC / Live (Undergroundtekno, Astrofonik) FR ☢
>>>>> https://soundcloud.com/mimaniac
>>>>> https://www.facebook.com/XMimaniac

☢ DEE JINKS / Dj Set (Goldstaub Crew) ☢

☢ FORMAT C:\ / French oldschool HC - Dj Set (TKN Booking) ☢

☢ T3RRORBIT / Dj Set (Tekknoost) ☢

☢ T3KKed / Dj Set (TKN Booking) ☢

No Racism! No Homophobia! No Sexism! Refugees Welcome!

BItte beachtet, dass wir euch nur gegen Vorlage eines offiziellen Ausweisdokumentes den Zugang zu unserem Club gewähren können.

Please note that we can grant you the access to the club only if you have an official ID document with you.

Was: Tribecore, Frenchcore, Hardcore
Eintritt: 6.00 €
Beginn: 21:00 Uhr
Location: TBA Club www.tba-club.de
Adresse: Schlesischer Platz 1, 01097 Dresden
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