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ESN-Länderparty Uzbekistan

Di., 10.05.2022 - Club Novitatis
off Novitatis | post 21 Apr 2022, 10:18 | Themenlink
ESN-Länderparty Uzbekistan
Club Novitatis
am Dienstag den 10.05.2022
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The 6th Länderparty of the semester is all about Uzbekistan! We welcome you to Uzbek culture, food and music !
You can enjoy another country every week! Every time different students from different parts of the world present their home country and show why their party is special, different and worth a visit!
Tue 10th May 20:30 - 11th May 01:00
Studentenclub Novitatis
Fritz-Löffler-Straße 12C
- with ESNcard: 1€
- without ESNcard: 2€
3G RULES APPLY! You should be either fully vaccinated (with a vaccine licensed in the EU: Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, Johnson&Johnson), recovered or bring a negative test. Please don’t forget to bring verification.
As vaccination doesn’t save you from getting infected by the current variant and even test show a corona infection just days after you are already infectious please stay home in case you feel sick.
- Box office
Happy Hour (08:30 - 10:00 pm): 1 beer + 1 Shot for 2,50 €
Eintritt: 1.00 €
Beginn: 20:30 Uhr
Location: Club Novitatis www.novitatis.de
Adresse: Fritz-Löffler-Straße 12, 01069 Dresden
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