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Big Fat Shakin (D) + King Kongs (RUS)

Do., 11.03.2010 - Rosi´s Amüsierlokal
off rosis | post 18 Feb 2010, 17:56 | Themenlink
Big Fat Shakin (D) + King Kongs (RUS)
Rosi´s Amüsierlokal
am Donnerstag den 11.03.2010

Rockabilly, Swing, Surf, Surf, Surf



w/ Rollin Uppercut DJs Record Hop (60th Beat, R'n'R, Bluespunk, 60th Garage, Trash)

Einlass: 20 Uhr
Beginn: 22 Uhr

3 Männer und eine Frau aus dem Süden Brandenburgs setzen sich hier zum Ziel, das Beste aus satten 60 Jahren Rock N´ Roll und Rockabilly unters Volk zu bringen. Das sind zum einen Songs von Dick Dale, Brian Setzer, Gene Vincent, Eddie Cochran, Little Richard oder Dick Brave... Damit nicht genug. Die Band hat mehr zu bieten, als schlichtweg schöne Coverversionen. Mit viel Kreativität, Witz und ein wenig (mehr) Mut, kleiden sie 80´er und 90`er Jahre Pophits ins Rock ´N Roll-Gewand mit den drei berühmten Akkorden. Mit Eigeninterpretationen von Jackson´s "Beat it" oder Roxette´s "The Look" erreichen sie beim Publikum immer wieder den buchstäblichen Aha-Effekt! Trotz der Stilelemente aus Rockabilly, Country und Boogie Woogie bleiben die Refrains und Hooklines der Songs stets erhalten. Dadurch ermuntert Big Fat Shakin´ das Publikum selbst aktiv zu werden, denn den launigen Beats des Quartetts können sich irgendwann auch die eigenen Beine nicht entziehen. Mit dieser Mischung aus legendärem Rock N´ Roll und modifizierten Neuzeit-Charthits bringen sie Hirschbeutelträger, Luftgitarrenspieler, Sparkassenangestellte, Rocksenioren oder Jamba-Teenies gleichzeitig in Wallung. Das genrefremde Material erlebt seine Verwandlung durch den mehrstimmigen Gesang, den Kontrabass, die Mundharmonika, eine feurige Rockabilly-Gitarre und eine explosive Rhythmusgruppe, die ihr Publikum an den Hintern packt.

The King Kongs were born back in 2004 in north-west of Russia, in St.Petersburg exactly, and just like their forerunners from north-west of U.S.A. did forty years ago, the King Kongs started playing raw and loud garage punk with barefaced and forceful killer sound full of fuzz buzz and sax howls. And it didn't take long for their first Dirty Lives demo to resound throughout the whole country! For their live performances the band played some oldies but goldies like Louie Louie, Psycho, Have Love Will Travel and even more obscure covers like Leave Me Alone and Doomsday along with their original diamonds about drivin'-me-crazy babies and other teenage troubles. With the course of time, more and more psych vibes from St.Pete's fogs and low rainy skies were penetrating Kongs' sound. But on the other hand the close neighborhood of the Neva River and Baltic Sea gave a strong influence for rushing instrumentals which are none other than surf! This fancy mix of styles was recorded once in 2006 on the King Kongs live gig and was released in the year 2008 at Solnze Records titled The King Kongs – Live!. Starting from year 2007, more and more instrumental compositions have attracted admirers to the Kongs' shows. That year was marked with the release of the new demo called Surf Tapes (**** on reverbcentral). Further progress of The King Kongs happened by a pure accident: the new Kongs' rehearsal room had only one microphone, so the guys decided to sacrifice their rebel yells to sax! That has led to the dramatical transformation of the band's sound to the instrumental wave. Nowadays, the King Kongs have both feet in surf music. The band plays some old school surf and traditional twang things of their original composition and covers of pillars of the genre like The Ventures, Dick Dale, Davie Allan and The Arrows, Bel-Airs and so on. In 2009 new 8 songs were released on CD Surfin' Circus (**** again). This short longplay was supported with several tours in neighboring Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. In total: if you dig surf, beat, twang, trash, garage punk, exotique, psych, all this vibes from 6Ts, King Kongs will give it to you. If you want just drink few glasses of something in bar, where King Kongs are playing, better put your dancin' shoes on. If you're looking for cool party, check out Kongs schedule!

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Beginn: 22:00 Uhr
Location: Rosi´s Amüsierlokal
Adresse: Eschenstrasse 11, 01097 Dresden
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