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Seminar:Cultural Diplomacy in Europe

14. bis 19.03.2010 - Berlin
off ICD | post 05 Mar 2010, 18:24 | Themenlink
Seminar:Cultural Diplomacy in Europe
vom 14. bis 19.03.2010
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Cultural Diplomacy in Europe - A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE)

The Treaty of Lisbon and the New Face of the EU: The "United States of

Berlin, March 14th-19th, 2010

Dear Sir/Madam

On behalf of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, I am writing you now
to announce the details of the next Weeklong Seminar that will be taking
place as part of the ICDA`s program Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A
Forum for Young Leaders. We are currently accepting applications for
the seminar and I would be grateful if you could forward this
information on to any individuals who you feel may be interested.

Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders is an active
network of individuals interested in strengthening and supporting the
European relations. The next CDE Weeklong Seminar will take place in
Berlin from 14th - 19th March 2010 and will focus on the following
theme: The Treaty of Lisbon and the New Face of the EU: The "United
States of Europe"?

In a recent speech at the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, Ms.
Ségolène Royal made the following statement: "Now is the time to raise
ourselves up to the demand of a realistic utopia: The United States of
Europe". The forthcoming CDE Weeklong Seminar will explore the recently
ratified Lisbon treaty and consider the idea of a "United States of
Europe" in detail.

The forthcoming CDE Weeklong Seminar will:
- Assess the impact of the Lisbon Treaty on the unity of the European
Union and the EU decision-making process.
- Examine the idea of a "United States of Europe" with a particular
focus on foreign and security policy, economic policy, and influence as
a global political player.
- Explore the reasons for the apparent rise of the right on the
accession of new EU member states and the EU integration process.
- Consider the challenges of developing a pan-European migration policy
and explore multilateral approaches to address this issue.
- Examine the interplay between identity and religion in the context of
the European Union and the importance of religion to the expansion of
the EU.
- Consider the role languages play in dividing and uniting different
cultural groups and the development of the English language as the

Further information about the next Weeklong Seminar, including the
online application form, can be found under:

Further information about the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy can be
found under:
www.culturaldiplomacy.org <http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org>

Any enquiries regarding the program can be sent to
europe@culturaldiplomacy.org <mailto:europe@culturaldiplomacy.org>

Former Speakers hosted by the ICD during weeklong seminars and programs

- President Dr. Alfredo Palacio, Former President of Ecuador
- Jorge Sampaio, Former President of Portugal
- President Emil Constantinescu, Former President of Romania
- Dr. Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Former President of Latvia
- Ségolène Royal, President of the Poitou-Charentes Regional Council
- Cassam Uteem, Former President of the Republic of Mauritius
- Janez Jansa, Former Prime minister of Slovenia, president of the
Slovenian Democratic Party
- Mike Kenneth Moore, Former Prime Minister of New Zealand; Former
Director General of the World Trade Organization
- Mart Laar, Former Prime Minister of Estonia
- Jack McConnell, MSP, Former First Minister of Scotland
- Dr. Alfred Sant, Former Prime Minister of Malta; Member of Malta`s
- Radmila Sekerinska, Former Prime Minister of the Former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia
- Sir James R. Mancham, KBE - PhD Founding and Former President of the
Republic of Seychelles
- Senator the Hon Alan Ferguson, The 22nd President of the Australian
Senate, Current Deputy President of the Australian Senate
- Luc van den Brande, Former Minister-President of Flanders-Belgium,
President of the European Union's Committee of the Regions

Beginn: 10:00 Uhr
Location: Berlin
Adresse: 10999 Berlin
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