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Mi., 05.11.2014 - Nikkifaktur
off soho | post 31 Oct 2014, 19:12 | Themenlink
am Mittwoch den 05.11.2014

Eintritt: 6€ im VVK bei SaxTicket

Schwervon! is a two piece American rock band born on the Lower East Side of New York City. Nan Turner (Nan & The One Night Stands) plays drums. Matthew Roth (Major Matt Mason USA) plays guitar. They both sing. Their band name is taken from the warped abbreviation of an urban slang, meaning: “to do something well in one’s own way or in a unique manner, usually involving members of the opposite sex.”

The power of Schwervon! comes from the melding of two unique voices hearkening to a golden age of Punk, New Wave, & Indie Rock. They draw influence from bands like The Pixies, , The B-52’s, Yo La Tengo, and Beat Happening. Between songs, Matt has been known to recite original poetry while Nan performs spontaneous interpretive dance. In 2012, a number of factors (including a family illness) prompted Schwervon! to move from NYC to Shawnee, Kansas where they still reside and make music in their basement.

Schwervon’s latest release, Broken Teeth, is a mini album of fiery acoustic track recorded in their basement. Their latest full length album is entitled Courage. It was recorded in Memphis, Tennessee with Doug Easley (Cat Power, Pavement, Breeders). Guest artists include Frances McKee (The Vaselines, Sunny Moon) and Dave Shouse (Grifters, Those Bastard Souls, Mancontrol). Schwervon! have toured the world and performed with Belle and Sebastian, The Vaselines, The Wedding Present, Vampire Weekend, Kimya Dawson, The Thermals, R. Ring (Kelley Deal & Mike Montgomery), Speedy Ortiz, Jeffrey Lewis, Wussy, The Thalia Zedek Band and other luminaries.

eXma verlost 4x1 Freikarte für dieses Event, einfach eine E-mail mit Betreff "Schwervon!" und als Inhalt euren bürgerlichen Namen an freikarten@exmatrikulationsamt.de schicken und mit etwas Glück gewinnen! Gewinner werden einen Tag vor der Veranstaltung per E-mail benachrichtigt.
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Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Location: Nikkifaktur
Adresse: Lößnitzstraße 14, 01097 Dresden
Antworten(1 - 1)
Kramsky off post 04 Nov 2014, 17:03 | Antwort#2
Es gibt noch Freikarten zu gewinnen. smile.gif
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